HEAT OF THE HOUSE is a talk radio show hosted weekly by 5-term State Rep. Jay Hooper [D-Randolph Ctr.], as WCVR hopes to bridge the gap between Montpelier-politics and the political awareness of Vermonters listening in each Saturday morning, from eleven o’clock to noon. Additionally, through recent years WCVR has enjoyed the organizational prowess, and intellectual curiosity of now CO-HOST: Ron Wold, to keep Hoop on his A game. No certain bias.

Jay represents the five Central Vermont towns of—Brookfield, Braintree, Randolph, Granville, n’ Roxbury—in the General Assembly. Among newer [formerly VTC] faculty of Vermont State University, Ron is also student of music, as he has a passion for instruments, particularly those of the wind variety.

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Past Episodes on Spotify

Since the first episode of The HEAT of the HOUSE, central Vermonters have been encouraging WCVR to create a podcast for the show so that episodes would be available to a listen after the live show had concluded….. Finally, this option has been made available. Find past episodes on Spotify by clicking the link below!

As we grow our listening base, we are optimistic that station resources will continue to evolve, so as to facilitate a well-renowned platform for Vermonters to call-in regularly to the studio at 62 Radio Drive, Randolph, VT 05060, WCVR-North Country.

Callers should consider offering succinct questions and comments, as we wish to keep such public discourse orderly and direction-oriented. In other words, we hope politicians will answer constituent questions as the Heat of the House caters toward direct engagement, and candid opinion, as opposed to scripted platitudes and signaled virtues. Let’s talk about the issues, maintain temperament though inclusive, factually-informed analysis, and limit the thematic posturing or dogwhistle propaganda.

We encourage callers to remember that less is more, and that over-participation would be kindly curbed. What we mean, is we hope callers dial most often with purpose and deliberation. It is ok if frustration itself, is your motivation to weigh-in on any given topic; respectful communicational etiquette is our modus operandi.

Call in by dialing} 802-728-4411